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Crystals have a natural alignment with the electromagnetic fields. These minerals were the first forms of life on this planet and are in a constant state of resonance. This works with the law of vibration on a molecular level.


Each crystal has specific harmonics working with stabilizing unstable patterns or pitches within the cellular structure in the body, particularly on the genetic level. These crystalline structures have the ability to empathize with the unstable biomolecular system. Using it as structured water allows a pathway of direct communication. This is then translated throughout the physical body shifting the vibration that influences healing and transformation.


The addition of any planetary influence or constellation deepens the impact of evolution. All astrological bodies influence us through the subconscious and conscious levels. When we honor the influences of the vibrational fields, that are often subtle, we open our consciousness to the infinite.


Heart Of the Hearth


Wyoming Black Jade- Everything is in perfect divine order. A stone that cultivates our commitment to faith. The divine decree of sovereignty . That we are in control of our own destiny. Working on the Heart Kidney axis we are able to see the inner truth (or lies we tell ourselves) to gain perspective on the fears we face and feel. A noble knight of protection as you continue towards your quest of remembrance. 


Black Hills Hematite- "Transformation of the Lineage Stone" as this stone drops us into the deepest parts of ourselves to transform energetically and physically up to 6 generations. Filling and bonding to any places of void replacing it with unconditional love and nourishment. Ascension of the spleen carrying the burden to lightness within your lineage. A stone that anchors home into the heart allow us to stabilize and ground into that source of love. As we nourish the blood we magnetize ourselves to bring in joy.


Gold- used as an anchor to "The Oneness" of the center of everything. Because of its transdimensional properties, this allows access on all levels of our being. The ultimate regenerator offering space to flow and let go while still being stable and supported. Connections to sacred geometry pattern of the spiral and the number 5.


Amplified with Quartz grid with Mica on Spiral Disc with copper pyramid

Preserved with Pure Colloidal Silver to strengthen the pineal and pituitary glands


Created on January 13th 2025 @ 6pm

Cancer Full Moon with Mars moving behind the moon headed for a new Mars Synodic Cycle

The release of the masculine believes around doing and not doing. We allow emotional sludge to be nurtured and released to allow a softer and more aligned approach to our quest.



  • Multidimensional regeneration
  • Home within your body/heart
  • Support and Stability 
  • Cultivating Faith over Fear
  • Permission to Let Go of old beliefs/emotional ties
  • Opening access to limitless happiness/joy



  • It is suggested to use this as a homeopathic treatment
  • Shake the bottle before use. This acts as an invitation of activation.
  • It would be suggested to have your own personal intention in mind for your elixir ritual and to track your journey in a manor that suites your lifestyle.
  • Take 7 drops under the tongue daily - or until you feel a shift, forget, or no longer feel drawn to it.
  • This could also be added to a bath - 1 dropper full would be recommended



1 oz in UV protected glass bottle

Intentionally Crafted in the Black Hills



distilled water imprinted with black jade, hematite, gold, and mica. Pure colloidal silver (preservation).


We also recommend using our clay products in collaboration with any of the elixirs.

Please keep out of direct sun exposure

Not created in a commercial kitchen or FDA approved


Warning this may invoke a purging process. This may include rashes, diarrhea, puking or expelling large amounts of mucus. Children could be affected. Also may cause shifts in persepective which crack open the heart and allow you to make the changes that you may or may not have known you needed. This may lead to feeling more connected to yourself, your loved ones, and your spiritual allies.



Heart of the Hearth

  • Alcohol Free 1oz UV protected Glass Bottle

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Kingfisher bird with spiral into the heart of consciousness

Working out of the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota

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